Christina, I've read some of the Convergence titles, but I am a little behind on the reading and have not been keeping up with this news. Is Lois's outing Superman supposed to be one of the changes that stick around post-Convergence? Unless we know otherwise, I would suspect that that is a have-their-cake-and-eat-it-too situation in which TPTB are able to tell a really interesting story with profound implications to the characters -- not as an imaginary tale or an Elseworlds story, but actually in-canon, without it actually having any long-lasting repercussions, since that universe is reset. And extreme example of this sort of thing is "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?" If this is the type of story they plan to tell as a cap-off to The New 52, I'd love to read it. I hope, however, that it isn't going to be the new status quo for the post-52 universe.

I guess time will tell.


p.s., Of course, there's always the possibility that she outs Clark and no one believes her, or there is some pandemic that causes world-wide amnesia about Superman's other identity, or any of a number of other ways they could hit the reset button after this particular story arc.

Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 04/26/15 02:39 PM. Reason: Added p.s.