opinion warning again smile

Although I think that CK/S would be more cautious about entering a relationship with someone because of the implications of his 'secret' as well as his character, I can see that he might have been involved with people before he met Lois Lane. (am repeating here what I wrote in my orginal post, I know smile ) And also, as I said earlier, there are different types of love.

It makes me a person who prefers a more human version of Superman than the more two-dimensional plastic paragon of virtue that many others prefer.
I'm probably reading this the wrong way, and if so I apologize, but I'm not sure that the complexity and humanity of CK/S's character, or anyone's for that matter, is determined *only* by his sex/love life. smile Can't a guy be faithful to the woman he loves and still have a multi-dimensional character? Be a tad woolly at times even?

Of course, I admit my bias - I do like the idea of that mythic love affair. smile (and yes, I know that's not RL - but since I've bought the idea of a guy who can fly, I'm buying the mythic love affair too. laugh )

As ML said, "And so the relationship can't just be another relationship. It has to pack a greater emotional punch. Any other relationship has to pale in comparison."
Yes. smile

Ann has a good point about the betrayal of Lois in Superman II. Let's hope this new Superman movie undoes that betrayal.

It's been really interesting to see the different opinions expressed in this thread.
