I had to think about my answer for a bit. I finally voted "Lois" and "two relationships."

I actually hesitated on the first question and found myself torn between "I want him to end up with Lois" and "I don't care who he ends up with as long as it's romantic and I like her."

Ultimately, I don't care who he ends up with. However, it's important to me that regardless of the relationship he's in he is not an asshat, which, unfortunately, cannot be said of SV's Clark Kent. I think I could tolerate the Clana much better if he wasn't such a mopey, whiney tool with stalkerish tendencies and she wasn't such a self-involved brat.

Secondly, for me the Lois and Clark relationship is kind of a by-product of Lois Lane being a meaningful player in the story. I don't enjoy the Superman myth (all incarnations) because of Clark/Superman but because of Lois Lane. She intrigues me much more than he ever did. So any telling of the story that does not feature her prominently automatically becomes uninteresting to me. Whether she is romantically involved with Clark is really secondary to me, but it's only logical that if she's the main female character she's going to end up with him. (This is one of the many, many reasons I don't like SV: while Lois is great on the show, she's underused and was only brought in to boost ratings. Now she's basically twiddling her thumbs. Not to mention that it entirely screws up L&C's future in Metropolis.)

The reason I enjoyed Lois & Clark was that Lois was given an important part in the story and both characters were likeable and smart. I liked the relationship they had, particularly before they got together, and I would be fine with a telling of the story that relegated their relationship to friendship as long as they treat each other with respect and (platonic) affection. (This is not to say that I didn't enjoy their romantic relationship on the show, but there were some aspects that grated on my nerves, like their frequent PDAs in the newsroom, or more often the conference room, which had big windows through which everybody could watch them. It was highly unprofessional and I just couldn't see Clark and particularly Lois acting in such a way at work. I was always waiting for a co-worker to walk by and hiss: "Get a room!")

As for Lois' new relationship in Superman Returns: has it been confirmed that the kid is actually hers and Richard's? That would serve no purpose whatsoever. I think there are four possibilities:

(1) The kid is Richard's from a previous relationship.
(2) The kid is the result of Lois and Clark's lovemaking in Superman II (which, as I understand it, is the starting point for the new movie).
(3) The kid is indeed Lois' and Richard's (in which case I won't be seeing the movie as it's so obviously an unneeded plot device to drive Lois and Clark apart).
(4) The kid was mysteriously dropped off in Lois' and Richard's living room with a note pinned to his shirt saying: "Lois and Richard, this child belongs to you." Now they're trying to figure out who the boy is and how to get rid of him.

I think the first two possibilities are much more likely than the third (and I would totally dig the fourth). But we'll see.

Fanfic | MVs

Clark: "Lois? She's bossy. She's stuck up, she's rude... I can't stand her."
Lana: "The best ones always start that way."

"And you already know. Yeah, you already know how this will end." - DeVotchKa