I've always been one who enjoyed the concept of Lois being the 'only' woman for Clark. The only one who can 'complete' him. That's one reason I liked the way they presented the relationship in Lois and Clark.

I dismiss Smallville out of hand so anything that happens there has no bearing on the characters. If the TPTB hadn't done so many other things wrong with the series I could almost except it as an Elsewords type situation.

In the comics, Clark has always been very responsible when it comes to dealings with the fairer sex. But he's hardly been disinterested.

In the pre-crisis days Superman, as a college student, fell in love with Lori Lemaris and asked her to marry him. Of course, this was before he'd met Lois Lane. But even though it 'wasn't meant to be' Clark thought he was in love. He wasn't a ladies man, but he had feelings for more than one woman as an adult. In the pre-crises comics he had a hard time figuring out his feelings for the two ladies who were after him as Superman. He vacillated between Lois and Lana throughout the run because, frankly, teenage boys (who the comics were aimed at) thought it was cooler to have too hot chicks after you, than to commit to a loving relationship with just one.

After the 1987 retcon, things changed somewhat. Lana was relegated to just a teenage crush from Clark's past. Lois became the one truly important woman in his life. Still, they brought back Lori Lemaris as a, sort of, romantic ghost from the past.

So, it seems that the comics never acknowledged this 'soulmates' instant recognition sort of thing, but did allow Lois and Clark to come to the realization that they are meant to be together. No one can 'ground' Superman/Clark the way that Lois does. Not even his parents. She has become the personification for all the reasons why he does what he does.

Do Lois and Clark belong together? Of course they do. Was it always a forgone conclusion? Not necessarily. In the comics, Superman always felt that he could never actually marry anyone because of the danger it would present it anyone ever knew that some woman was that close to Superman. Unfortunately, it took fifty years for Superman to realize that he could have a relationship with a woman, only he'd have to have it as Clark Kent.

Tank (who isn't sure if he stayed on topic, but that's alright, because Lois always has been, and always will be the one that Superman/Clark ends up with, no matter how long it takes him to get there)