Well, Lana didn't die in the much talked-about "death" episode of Smallville. So not only is she already Clark's lover here, but the kids being raised on this show may demand that she should be the one that Clark ends up spending all his life with. And since Chloe didn't die either, her fans might demand that she should be Superman's future wife.

Meanwhile, in the upcoming new Superman movie, Lois is shown as having moved on with her life, so that she apparently has a son by her new boyfriend. It is by no means certain that she and Clark will end up together in this movie.

The overall picture emerging here is that Lois is looking less and less like Clark's one true love and soulmate. She looks a lot more like one of many possible love interests for him, one that he may or may not spend his life with. Also, seeing that Clark has already lost his virginity to Lana on Smallville, and she might not be the one he ultimately ends up with, he might come out looking like a man open to more than one relationship.

Do you think it is important that Lois should be the one true love for Clark? Also, do you think it is important that Clark should have an intimate relationship with only one woman in his life?


Edited to include 'spoilers' in header - LabRat