Lois belongs with Clark, period.

I didn't like the fact that Clark slept with Lana in Smallville, but at the same time it does make Clark more human. (Kind of ironic he didn't have his powers when he did sleep with her. lol)

Frankly, I was a bit surprised they made Clark a virgin in Lois and Clark, only because I figured Clark probably would have experimented. I don't see him "sleeping around," but if Lana was the love of his life like he thought, I could see him making love to her, but then realizing things just weren't going to work out.

I have nothing against premarital sex, but I think I was most disturbed by Clana on Smallville, because I don't think this Clark knows what love is. He lusts after Lana, but I don't really think he knows what he wants. I also compare most everything to LnC because it was the show that got me into the Superman genre to begin. If anything after that doesn't closely follow what I know the story of Superman being, I don't like it.

So in conclusion, I voted for Clark being with Lois, but it also being okay that he was with someone else before her.

Call me weird I guess...lol goofy