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#88 Nothing To Lose - Lee Child
#89 Gone Tomorrow - Lee Child

It seems like an appallingly long time since I've read a new Jack Reacher adventure, so I thoroughly enjoyed these two. Had some more good news today when I realised that there's a new one out soon, too. dance

#90 The Dragon Keeper - Robin Hobb

I had been disappointed with the author's last trilogy, so I really wasn't expecting much out of this. Especially as my least favourite section of the Liveships Trilogy before this was the stuff with Tintaglia. But I adored this. I was hooked right from the get go - a whole new host of wonderful characters, dragon, human and strange things inbetween to root for. Cannot wait for book two to be released!

#91 Faith of the Fallen - Terry Goodkind

Well, he worked his strange, bizarre magic on me again. It all went to a very familiar pattern. I was bored by the first part (I'm tending to find Richard and Kahlan very boring characters when they're together) and then Nicci came along and I was swept along to an enjoyable end. I'm baffled as to how Goodkind does this. I've ordered the next book in the series. huh

#92 Memory, Sorrow & Thorn Series: To Green Angel Tower - Storm - Tad Williams

This book illustrates perfectly the love/hate relationship I often have with Tad William's work. OTOH, it was full of wonderful characters that I grew to have great affection for (I thought the end scenes of the court with it's Arthurian overtones of a wise king and a host of Companions was wonderful and it left me with a warm glow). But OTOH, he does have a liking for filling page after page after page with unnecessary, boring detail. Every time one of the characters went on a journey it was the cue for chapter upon chapter of boredom. Simon in the tunnels was excruciatingly long.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers