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#60 Robert Goddard - Dying To Tell
#61 Robert Goddard - Set In Stone

The first, Goddard's usual blend of twists and turns in an oddly old-fashioned thriller reminiscent of the best of Hitchock, I thoroughly enjoyed.

The second, I was curious about as Amazon's reviews had revealed its not a fan favourite. As it had a supernatural plot element to it I was intrigued though and decided to give it a go. I can see why his fans have problems with this one as it was an oddly unbalanced book. The supernatural elements to the plot - along with some characters connected with it - seemed to be entirely irrelevant to the main plot. In fact it seemed to me you could pretty much have excised that entire strand and it would have made no difference to the story at all. Not entirely a dub, but definitely not one of this author's best.

#62 Brian Keene - Dead Sea

Having enjoyed the author's two zombie schlock novels, I was very disappointed with this one. The plot was non-existent - even for this kind of book - the characters so thinly drawn that when they died you couldn't feel much empathy or sympathy as you didn't know enough about them to care.

#63 Terry Pratchett - Lords and Ladies
#64 Terry Pratchett - Night Watch

It's been a while since I've read anything from Pratchett, so I took the chance to check out two books featuring some of my favourite characters. I found the first a little disappointing to be honest, but really loved Night Watch.

#65 Terry Goodkind - Soul of the Fire

Continuing my confusing journey with this series. It followed the usual path - I was bored rigid for the first one hundred pages or so then, just as I was starting to think about giving up, Goodkind introduced something that perked up my interested and I enjoyed it.

#66 Bernard Cornwall - A Crowning Mercy

I was looking forward to this prequel/companion piece to Fallen Angels, which I'd enjoyed hugely. Wasn't disappointed. Great characters and sense of period.

#67 Harlan Coben - Hold Tight
#68 Harlan Coben - Long Lost

It's been a while since I've read anything by Coben. I was delighted to find that Long Lost was another outing for Myron, Win and Co. as I'd thought that Coben had given up writing with those characters. Didn't disappoint.

#69 Richard Montanari - Play Dead
#70 Richard Montanari - The Skin Gods
#71 Richard Montanari - The Devil's Garden

The first two were the usual fare, featuring his detective duo and I enjoyed those. I enjoyed the last a little less. A stand-alone novel with a slightly different slant to his usual fare, which didn't really work for me. It was just missing a spark somehow and never really achieved a sense of tension.

#72 Michael Marshall - The Intruders

Something slightly different from this author, a thriller with a supernatural undertone. I enjoyed it, although it wasn't as good as his other novels for me.

I still have a ton of books to read. I've been treated recently to some cash to run amok in Amazon with. As a result my wish list has been decimated and I have a shelf full of my favourite authors to visit. dance I need to slow down though! I've been reading a book a day in the past few days - they won't last long at that rate!

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers