I'm actually keeping a count of the books I am reading this year too for the first time ever.. so I thought I might start adding my list here. I am trying to branch out this year and read a diverse group of books outside my 'norm'.. although I started the year in the safety of my fanged friends.

I'm a lot slower than the rest of you it seems... but we'll see how I go. smile

1. Circus of the Damned (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Book 3) - Laurell K Hamilton
2. Living Dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris
3. The Lunatic Cafe (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Book 4) - Laurell K Hamilton
4. Prey - Michael Crichton
5. The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett
6. The Pillars of the Earth - Ken Follett
7. To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
8. Magician (Apprentice) - Raymond E Feist
9. Twilight - Stephanie Meyer
10. Fish out of Water - Mary Janice Davidson

So far, Pillars of the Earth has blown me away... I'm one of the most non-religious people you'll meet.. and wow.. amazingly written.
Similarly, I'm not a huge fan of fantasy, but Magician was another great book which had me so captivated with the story of 2 simple keep boys..
I've gone out and found the sequels to both which I can't wait to read.
I didn't enjoy Terry Pratchett. His humour was good. But there was something about his writing style that put me off.
And Twilight. I've been resisting reading this... but peer pressure made me finally pick it up to read on the plane. I'm not sure what all the hype is about with this book. I'm not even sure how it got published. I'm confused as to what has drawn so many people so deep into this series of books. I understand it is a book for adolescents, and the last 1/4 of the book is great. The first 3/4 though looks like something someone took from one of the fanfics in this fandom and placed new names to. *shrugs* I'm a sucker for punishment. I'll read the next book since a friend literally shoved it in my face this afternoon... but I keep wondering what am I missing?
I've also been given 'Guards! Guards!' by Terry Pratchett to read... apparently I shouldn't have started my journey into the discworld with the book I chose according to friends... so I guess I'll be giving Terry a chance to show me something different too. wink

"He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too
It tickles in my tummy
He's so Yummy Yummy
Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box