Thanks, Darcy. I'd intended to do this back in January and forgot and was just thinking about it this week, in fact!

Don't see why audio books can't count.

My favourite Pratchett books are the ones featuring the City Watch and the Witches.

With plenty of free time on my hands, I've been reading up a storm this year, as always. So I won't start listing what I've read now. laugh

But a couple of highlights were catching up with John Connolly's last two novels - The Unquiet and The Reapers. Connolly hasn't failed me yet - I've loved every book of his I've read. Each new adventure for Charlie, Angel and Louis is a treat and I'm really looking forward to The Lovers later in the year.

I also recently discovered that the author of one of my favourite books read as a teen, Phyllis Eisenstein's lovely little SFantasy fairytale Sorcerer's Son, had actually written other books. I'd been unable to find anything else by her back in the day, to my disappointment, but recently came across her listed in Amazon and discovered she had three or four more, including a sequel to SS. Snapped it up right away and am looking forward to reading that when it arrives.

I'll be back soon with updates on what I've been reading.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers