Then, I'm thinking I might try watching the show. [Smile]
Hope you have better luck than me there, Darcy. I was really looking forward to it, but tuned out after two episodes. Thanks mostly to the - as I see it - totally superfluous and quite unnecessary soft porn sex scenes they kept dropping in. I don't mind such scenes, if they add something to the plot, but I do get irked by them if they seem to just be a ploy to boost ratings among teen males and have no other merit to them than that.

There was also the fact that neither leads appealed to me at all and there's this weird thing they keep doing when Sookie reads minds, a vocal distortion, which, coupled with an already hard-for-the-Scottish-ear-to-decipher Louisiana accent, made those portions of the dialogue almost impossible to make out. I had to go searching for transcripts online to find out what had been said.

But it's apparently a top rater in the US, so with luck you'll be with the majority and not me. laugh

Karen - somehow managed to miss your post last time I was in here! I definitely agree that Goodkind's series is easier reading than Jordan's. Goodkind's plot is much simpler and the fantasy world his characters inhabit much less complex.

And there's that weird thing going on with him finishing the plotlines in one book and then starting fresh almost in the next, which always leaves me wondering when I pick up the next book in the series how on earth he's going to find enough plot to fill another. And I'm only on book five! How he's done 12 is currently a mystery to me.

But...I have to say, so far, he seem to manage it. Just. I'm just about to start book five, and once again I'm wondering if this will be the one where I give up. <g> But, still looking forward to it.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers