Sorry, Labrat - I took your suggestion as a form of censorship, which I'm now less certain it was. Note, however, that my initial post did not address just the issue of sexism but also the positive aspect of the election. I thought that was an equally important part of my post, although you haven't commented on it.

Note, too, that my initial response was not specifically a reply to Wendy's "starter" post but to a different post. (although clearly I share Wendy's hope smile )

As for whether Wendy intended her post to be limited only to the narrower definition of civil rights only she can say for sure. All readers can do is consider a whole post and interpret it as they see it. Btw, you've cited Wendy, but that comment was made *after* my initial post so could not have affected how I interpreted her first post.

Perhaps there's an easy way out of this issue in the future? People starting a thread could indicate that they wish to limit discussion to one part only of their post. e.g. Wendy could have said she wanted people to comment *only* on the importance of Obama's election for the Civil Rights Movement. ?
