Well... I cried too. But for a completely different reason. wink

I'm feeling many things about this election. One of them is perhaps a sense of pride that America is getting over its prejudice.

Another is one of frustration. I wish race wasn't an issue at all. I think we have a lot more growing to do as a country.

I'd like to see a day when a black man can run for President and it not even be brought up that he's black. I'd like to see the issues be the only thing that matters.

I do think that Obama has the country's best interest at heart and that gives me hope. But I can't feel like our country has made a giant leap forward when there are so many moral issues at stake (abortion, gay rights, etc.).

I wish Alan Keys could have won. <sniff> I would have been VERY proud to have him as our President.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw