Originally posted by Captivated2:
Since no one has pointed out the obvious, I guess I will...

First of all, Obama is as white as he is black. His black father ditched his family and he was raised by the white half.

Alright, I've been pretty quiet in these threads for the most part because I hate all the arguing and sensitivity that comes with politics, but if you're going to play the race card like that then I can't keep quiet any longer.

Please do not diminish what a huge accomplishment this is for the minority and mixed race community by pointing out that he's half white. It really doesn't matter. America doesn't see that, just as they don't see the mixed heritage of people like Halle Berry, Alicia Keys, Terrence Howard, Tina Turner, or even Tiger Woods. It's really not the point.

More black people came out and voted than ever before... they couldn't wait to vote for BO because he was "black." I've heard the interviews. I have black friends who admitted that they "had" to vote for Obama. I guess I'm not surprised by that.. it's just a lousy reason to vote FOR or AGAINST someone. I'm having trouble seeing that as progress.
I agree that race or gender isn't a reason to vote for someone. However, just because you have black friends that voted for Obama because of his heritage does NOT mean that the entire black community voted for him for that reason and frankly, you suggesting as such is hugely insulting. Had you considered that there is probably a percentage of white people that voted for him just because he's black as well?

More people of all races came out to vote yesterday because it was arguably the most important election of our time. I won't say that race had nothing to do with because I'm sure that's not true for a lot of people. But you cannot make generalizations like that, not and expect not to be called on it.

Thanks to Cat for my rockin' avatar!
(About Lois & Clark)
Perry: Son, you just hit the bulls eye. It's like we're supporting characters in some TV show and it's only about them.
Jimmy: Yeah! It's like all we do is advance their plots.
Perry: To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it.
Jimmy: Man, me too!