Ooh if you're in the neighborhood you should go and see Yellowstone Park! Middle of August might be a little too late for you to see bears, but there are a lot of beautiful geisers and such!

And visiting Kansas, hmm. I don't know, I don't really think you should. I've been there about 10 times now, but that's only because I have family living there. Aside from a bowling alley and a swimming pool, there is not really much there to see. wink

Oh and if you're interested in airplanes - they have an airventure every year up in Oshkosh. My dad dragged me over there (yes, I still travel with my folks when I'm going over to the US. But hey, if they're paying wink ), and I recommend buying a one-day-card and NOT the one-week-card (or you have to be REALLY into airplanes).

I love the smell of fear in the newsroom.