What I have issues with is the fact that not enough people, supplies, military troops, etc. were put in the right place at the right time to do the jobs they are willing to do. All of this "we were waiting to be asked" that the various government officials keep bantering about is pure hogwash, IMO. FEMA and other organizations have done what-if scenarios on this very kind of crisis, so why weren't they standing at the ready, able to sweep in mere hours after the levees began to give way rather than four days later? And how is it that the public was aware of the situation sooner than the officials in charge? How hard is it to put officials on the scene to convey what is needed and where and when? Isn't that the very job of FEMA?
We knew and we just watched the news - for the most part I guess anyways!!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.