Yeah, Marilyn, I've been discussing this a lot over the past few days with some friends and one of the many things I found frustrating was why the military wasn't in there doing things - they have the capability and the experience, so why let the local officials, who aren't used to this situation and some of whom are at the end of their tether! - struggle on with it? It seems to make no sense at all. frown

Thankfully, it sounds as if finally those who most needed help are beginning to get it. Soldiers are at the Convention Centre, food and water is being distributed by these soldiers, and the infirm and elderly will now be taken out. Not before time - and too late for some people, like the poor woman who gave birth last night only to see her baby die. frown

Glad to see you're safe, by the way, Marilyn - I don't know if you saw this thread , but you were one of the FoLCs people were concerned about.


Just a fly-by! *waves*