I mentioned the Red Cross thing to my family last night. My bro-in-law said that he'd heard something a while back about the Red Cross getting in trouble. Money had been donated, but they ended up with more than they needed. So it didn't go towards the disaster it had been intended for and there was some kind of mess. He wasn't sure of the details, and now it's 24 hours later and my memory is fuzzy, but it was something like that. Maybe it was other chapters thinking they should have gotten some of that money sent back to them or something? Not sure. Anyway, he thought that was the reason... that it had caused trouble before and they were hoping to avoid it this time.

Anyway, we're trying to figure out what we can do from here. We've got a perfectly good empty apartment in Florida, and there are people who need housing until the mess gets cleared up... But the building is so uptight about not letting anyone stay over who isn't immediate family... Mom's just really upset about the whole thing with the Superdome and now the Astrodome. No food, no beds, no privacy... Can't they do better than that? Aren't there empty barracks on army bases scattered around the country? There's gotta be something more we can do besides just sending money...


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.