I'm very frustrated here in Canada because I have such a strong desire to help, but our Cdn Red Cross has requested that we don't donate anything as the American Red Cross has said that outside help is not necessary at this point.
Irene, I find this very troubling. Not that I doubt what you are saying, but can you clarify where you heard this? Has it been broadcast that the American Red Cross is not accepting donations from non-US individuals?

I called the American Red Cross donation line (1-800-HELP-NOW) and was told that they will happily receive donations from anyone. I specifically asked if I lived in Canada or Mexico or elsewhere if I could donate, and I was told YES.

I went on line to make my donation, and I'm wondering if anyone outside of the US has tried to do the same. If any non-US FoLC has gone to the American Red Cross website and successfully made a donation, can you please let us know here.

So again, I find this extremely troubling that such a rumor is being spread. I'm afraid that many people who would like to donate will not do so because of it. Again, this is not directed at you Irene, but that you obviously heard this from someplace so this rumor is being circulated.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah