You're assuming that there were people available who know how to drive those buses. It's not the same as driving a car; there's a reason you need a special license. You're also assuming they are all in working condition (which may be true, but it's hard to guess from a picture).

Also, as far as the "finally!" comments, I'd like to quote a friend of mine from another forum , whose husband is among the firefighters from Alabama who have gone to NO to help with the rescue efforts.
Okay, now I've got to say this, I'm at the point where it is upsetting me enough to make me angry and to bring me to tears.

They are talking about vehicles going into NO and saying that there are trucks, fire vehicles, boats, etc. going in to help the victims.

Then the reporter said "This is the response people have been waiting for, help is finally arriving."

What, the people that have been on scene since Monday weren't help? They act as if no one did anything for days, they just sat around until they finally "Maybe we should send someone after all."

Rescue and relief agencies were mobilizing even before the hurricane hit. They asked my husband to volunteer for a relief team on Sunday - before the hurricane made landfall.

FEMA was in Baton Rouge Sunday, waiting to move in immediately.

I know that more help is needed than was predicted and I know that it seems like it's taken a long time to get there, but it took my husband's group more than 12 hours to go a distance that should have taken them five, and they had to pack in their own food and water and shelter, because nothing was available for them there.

I'm sorry, I'm just in tears right now. People are suffering and dying, and there are rescuers putting their own lives at risk to do what they can to help them, and the media acts as if none of that has been taking place at all. As if the people that have been there, weren't doing anything. As if the rescuers and volunteers were just so callous and uncaring they didn't even lift a finger to help until people began screaming "Where is the help?" Because, let me tell you, if that was the case, if people really waited to mobilize help until days after the hurricane, it STILL wouldn't be there.

Watch the video do you see all the bridges destroyed? Have you seen the airports? They have gotten there as fast as they could, and some people have already been on scene since the beginning.

Do you know the most surprising thing about divorce? It doesn't actually kill you, like a bullet to the heart or a head-on car wreck. It should. When someone you've promised to cherish till death do you part says, "I never loved you," it should kill you instantly.

- Under the Tuscan Sun