Ditto. I saw that too. Moron! You know, I wonder how many of these news reporters not only endanger their own safety and lives, but hamper rescue efforts by either being in the way or needing to be rescued themselves! razz

On the other hand, there was a CNN cameraman who went out in one of the rescue boats in New Orleans yesterday evening, without his camera, helping to get trapped people off the roofs of their houses and onto dry(ish) land.

But then this morning CNN had a report from Biloxi, Missouri, where an apartment block collapsed killing 30 people. 55 are believed dead so far in the town. What was the big story? Some idiot had come to Biloxi from California to, and I quote, "see the hurricane." He came to a city which was being evacuated because it was facing the worst storm in decades. And he came to be a sightseer. In a city where dozens are dead, where thousands have lost their homes and all they possess, all he was interested in was the 'thrill' of watching and filming the storm. Standing on the fourth floor of a car park videoing the storm surge, 25 feet and more of water coming up from the bay. Well, he got his thrill, he got his videotape and he'll have his few hours of fame on CNN - but what a selfish, compassionless moron. All he could do was smile and talk about what an amazing experience it had been, while less than a mile from where he was thrillseeking 30 people are still inside what used to be their homes, dead. I can only imagine how angry I'd be if I was a Biloxi resident who'd lost my home or, worse still, seen loved ones swept away by the water and debris. mad

Disasters do generally bring out the best in people in terms of helping one another - but they seem to bring out the worst in some people, too. frown


Just a fly-by! *waves*