Okay, the grocery store thing. I used to work 8 hour shifts at my neighborhood grocery store to earn money for college. It's like a prison, for one thing. It was the only job that would have fit into my schedule this summer, but I've done my time. I'd rather be poor and unemployed than...wait, halting this tangent.

Anywho, I absolutely hated it when my customers were chatting away on their cell phones about everything under the sun while I was trying to check them out. I always felt like I had to interrupt their conversations to get them to pay, inform them their coupon expired, sorry I'm out of stamps you'll have to get them at customer service, etc etc. Yes, I'll be the first one to say specially trained monkeys could have done my job, but those poeple gossiping on their cell phones kinda needed to be front and center. Maybe not quite as much as the elderly people who watched the price of every item I rang and then started whining about such-n-such not being on sale anymore. But I shouldn't have run into obstacles while doing my job just because Mary Sue assumed that she could ignore me. Not to mention the fact that during an 8 hour shift, even one customer that took the time to talk to me made my day!


"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy