
to both Allie and Lynn.

I have to agree with you, Lynn, that this episode isn't worth the time it took to hit the TiVo button. But part of what made it interesting was being able to comment live on IRC. Ever watch Mystery Science Theater 3000? If Joel ever did this episode, it'd rank up there with the classics.

There are just so many things wrong with this episode that many of you have already covered. Just what were Clark and Lana doing together anyway? It's not like they're really going together, is it? Please have it not be true?

Where were the Kents? The Kents have got to be some of the lousiest parents ever. Martha's first instinct, in any logical world, would have been to take care of Evan. What went through their minds to leave this baby, er... child, er... teenager, er... WMD with two teenagers who were probably younger than Evan was when he went kerblooey. And where were child services? Does finders-keepers apply to teens? Can anybody perform scientific experiments on orphans at a whim? Hmm, maybe that explains Lana?

Of course I knew this episode was trouble the second I saw that Lana was in the first scene. Oh no, run for it! It's Lanaville again. I'm greatly disturbed that Lana will be featured in the season finale. Why couldn't it be someone we actually liked?

We, as L&C fans, were incredibly outraged at the tortures TPTB put us through to keep L&C apart. Smallville is just the opposite. We have four seasons of TPTB putting us through incredible tortures by threatening to put Lana and Clark together. I thought that this would be the breakthrough season with Lana and Clark not even in the same scenes for most of the season and with the introduction of Lois Lane. But alas, it was too good to last. Clana are virtually inseparable and Lois disappears faster than chocolate in her pantry even though she's supposed to be living with Clark.

I suspect this torturous episode was designed to help Lana and Clark bond together in a way that will just set us up with the inevitable scenes we'll have to suffer through in the future. Aren't M&G the only Lana-Clark shippers left in this world? Maybe they're writing for an alt-Smallville audience? Maybe somewhere there's a world where Lana is liked, Chloe isn't a doormat, teenage Clark is actually played by someone who isn't pushing 30, Lois Lane can cook, odd-numbered Star Trek movies are good, and William Shatner can write, direct, sing, or act. Nah, what are the odds?

Can somebody please explain to me why I watch this show? LOL! At this moment, I can't come up with a good reason.

EDIT: Ooh, I just thought of one. I watch so I can appreciate the fine debates between Mac Daddy and Daddy Mac on these threads, which are inevitably more entertaining than the actual show they're commenting on. smile

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin