First of all, I'm so stunned and appalled, I don't know where to start. I mean, I saw how you titled the thread, Lynn, and I knew there was going to be trouble.

But how could you?

Seriously, what sort of black heart do you have? And you have, once again, missed the entire point! It's lucky I'm here...

Evan the baby/teenager/object of love thingy is a symbol! Also, a symptom, if you will, of the total alienation of Clark and Lana from the rest of the world.


Clark- the alien- who wants nothing more than to go to the prom and *not* be possessed by evil cheerleader queen princesses just once! And who, also, fell from the stars, orphaned from an entire planet, yadda yadda. Get it? Al-ien-ated.

Lana- orphan, orphan, and did I mention? Orphan. And, also, she has a really ancient witch/Countess who wants a rock/tattoed something on the inside of her soul. Think that doesn't make her feel out of place, walking the halls of Smallville High (Go Crows!), sad little twisty stick things holding back her raven-black hair??

Have you no heart, MacDad??

Enter Evan. He is theirs. He ties them together. Ties them to the planet. Ties them to...

Ok. I admit it. I haven't actually watched the episode yet. I have it on tape, though! So, I feel strongly that makes me somewhat qualified to disagree with you.

Heh. Sorry.

All I know is I saw the last five minutes. And what looked to be *another* meaningful hug. Lana all eyes-closed, slightly furrowed brow, 'I think I love him, but does he have secret?.' Clark all arms full of Lana, staring off blissfully yet sadly, 'I'm so confused. Are we breaking up or what?'

Oh, and Lionel being really, really baaaad. Which... yay!

Ok. So, false alarm then. I'll be back when I have an actual idea of what I'm commenting on.


edit: It belatedly occurs to me- I should just go ahead and disagree with everyone's take on the season finale, as long as I'm here. Though from the previews, it looked so Lana-centric I felt a little queasy. But cool shot of Clark in the artic doing the primal scream thing! Very Superman-y of him.

edit again, because I can't stay away: So, if I followed the comments right, Evan died? Which means Clark has lost both a wife and a child this season. Kind of interesting, in a completely depressing sort of way, isn't it? Thank goodness for Krypto.

You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
