OK, yet again, I missed the episode. LWV Board meeting got changed from Thursday to Wednesday this month, and where I usually forget to tape CSI, this time I forgot to tape Smallville. Again. Third episode in a row. How many people like me do they lose when they do these long hiatuses?

Anyway, I'm just posting to say that I'm over here giggling my fool head off reading these posts. And while I was bummed to miss the Prom ep last week, I'm ... so not bummed to have missed this one. Lana and Clark. Yuck.

Can't wait till CC actually watches it to see if she will fight the good fight, or will she come over to the dark side and agree with her MacDaddy.

Maybe Television Without Pity could do a recap of our epic Lynn/CC debates? They do a pretty cool job with the episodes themselves ...

And on that note, off to TWOP to find out what I've missed these last three weeks. smile
