LOL, Allie.

My opinion - don't waste 48 minutes of your life watching this episode. If you skip it, you will certainly not have missed anything crucial to continuity. Learn from the pain of those who have suffered before you and run. Run for the hills!

But for those masochists in the crowd who are still tempted, I can sum up what you need to know going forward. Lionel is back to being bad. Lex is now leaning on the bad side of the line, his true nature showing blatantly.

Clark still loves Lana. Oooh, big shocker there.

Genevieve had Dr. Crosby killed and is in possession of one of the The Stones of Krypto-Power.

That's pretty much it. Certainly not enough to warrant the eye-searing agony of watching this epi.

Except for CC, of course. She has to watch it because she has to come back and admit that I'm right. *g* You all will know when she's watching because we'll hear the giant sucking noise coming from somewhere in the south-eastern US.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah