Originally posted by Datchickukindaknow:
Thank You! Someone finally understands. Every time I mention that I like superman if there is a batman fan within a 5mile radius they will start talking about how everything about superman is illogical and batman is a real hero and so much more believable etc.
Thank you for understanding me! And thank you for pointing out the ridiculousness about the batmobile going unnoticed. Yes, that's very believable. :rolleyes: Or not. In one of the few fics I have written I had Batman guest-starring, and I had him sort of park the batmobile in hyperspace, because where else would he park it???

(And hey, if you think Superman is ridiculous for wearing those little red shorts on the outside, what about a grown man who is dressed up as an oversize bat?

Dr. Friskin: Batman, are you sure it is wise for you, a single man, to share your home with Robin, an underage boy?

Batman: Don't worry, Dr. Friskin. I'm not into robins. I like bats.)

Originally posted by Lynn S. M.:
So long and thanks for all the fish,
Hah! There were so many things I loved about The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but one of my favorites was the inifinite improbability drive for spaceships - the more improbable something was, the faster your spaceship would go! rotflol
