Thank you all for replying to my question. I am finding the responses fascinating...It looks as though I am not alone in being more bothered by something that is relatively plausible than a lot of the other things on the show. Had I guessed at the responses others would make, I would have thought that the things that most people would have found hard to suspend disbelief on would have been the really impossible and/or more major things -- like Clark's superpowers. Instead, it seems to be relatively more mundane things (such as people not overhearing a conversation, Lois' vehicle's vanity plate, or, in my own case, the way Clark's hearing works) that seem to be the most distracting.

Another little thing that gets me is his whole change-of-clothes routine. What's up with the spinning? How would rapid rotation help him change clothes quickly? And where do his street clothes go when he changes into Superman? (Yes, I have read a fanfic or two that try to answer this question. None have been particularly convincing to me.)
