Originally posted by datchickukindaknow:
I had thought about the superhearing thing but I just figured that like his other powers it was something that he could control. He has superstrength, enough to move a space station but doesn't crush every fragile thing he touches. He also has xray vision but doesn't spend the whole day looking through walls and clothing.
These comparisons don't work with me...Everyone can control the amount of strength they use. (You don't hold an egg or a newborn with the same firmness you would an old fashioned (i.e., heavy) TV or computer monitor, for example.) He seems to need to concentrate to "turn on" the X-Ray vision. (He intentionally lowers his glasses and *stares* at what he wants to X-Ray.) But his hearing just "kicks in".

A bit about human hearing...There's the famous "cocktail party effect," in which one can decide which conversation to listen to and "tune out" the others. For most people, this comes naturally; but for some people with sensory integration disorders, learning to do this is extremely difficult, and as a result they struggle throughout life. (For example, they may *want* to listen to the teacher in school, but the other sounds in the classroom are distracting to them.)

But while one may be able to be trained to "tune in" to certain sounds, AFAIK, one can't be trained to find a high volume less painful. (If one can, I would love to learn how -- I have avoided many social situations throughout my life (concerts, dances, etc.) because the noise level assaults my ears and I am simply in too much discomfort or outright pain to enjoy myself.)

One small thing that does bother me is in Brutal Youth when their on the ceiling. What the hell since when can Lois fly?!? It irks me,yes Superman can fly but he's the only one (and other kryptonians) the laws of gravity still applies to everyone else. Clark has one arm casually thrown over her, logic dictates the rest of her body should be hanging down but instead shes laying perfectly flat on the ceiling.
No arguments here. But FWIW, the first Superman movie had the same problem, only even moreso...As long as Lois was touching Superman at all -- even when they were barely holding their fingertips together -- she was able to fly right alongside him. But the moment they lost all contact, down she went.

But most of the outrageous things that happen on Lois and Clark I'm able to accept as something that can just happens in that world because that's just the way it is there.
I guess that all FoLC, in order to enjoy the show, become like the Red Queen in Alice through the Looking Glass, who sometimes believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast...
