No arguments here. But FWIW, the first Superman movie had the same problem, only even moreso...As long as Lois was touching Superman at all -- even when they were barely holding their fingertips together -- she was able to fly right alongside him. But the moment they lost all contact, down she went.
This scene is weird to me because I'm actually fine when they're just holding hands and she's flying alongside him. I start working that weird comic book logic and think that its not that implausible at all, she' being carried by the wind current like a plane. Then he lets go, she falls, and my logic gets crushed. Not to mention it makes superman look like pretty big jerk.

To me, Batman is almost more implausible than Superman. With Superman, we know that he has these impossible powers and we know that there is no way of rationally explaining them. Some people scoff at Superman precisely because he is "impossible". But the same people who dismiss Superman as an impossible fantasy may embrace Batman because he is "real". But truly and honestly, Batman isn't "real". He is a lone vigilante without a large organisation behind him, and so many of the things he does all on his own and without the help of any sort of superpowers are completely and utterly impossible for a human being.
Thank You! Someone finally understands. Every time I mention that I like superman if there is a batman fan within a 5mile radius they will start talking about how everything about superman is illogical and batman is a real hero and so much more believable etc. And the truth is he's not at all. One ordinary guy taking on an entire city's criminal underground? Loaded with hi-tech gadgets and nobody stops to wonder where the hell he got it all or how he can afford it? The batmobile never gets caught in city traffic? (that one is the most implausible to me) And with a car like the batmobile that stands out in every highway still no one knows the location of the batcave?
I have an easier time believing that no one recognizes Clark Kent when he takes his glasses off.

As for Clark's clothes, it's one of those things I chose not to think about because it was just going to make me go crazy. However, in one fanfic explanation I particularly liked they said that Clark didn't even know what happened to his clothes, they would disappear when he spun and reappear when he spun again. I don't think they ever explained how he made that discovery though.

Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.