Originally posted by LabRat:
I always loved Debby Stark's explanation for the change of clothing as being a small pocket in hyperspace where Clark stored them. I'm not sure I find it the most plausible explanation goofy , but it always just tickled me for some reason and I liked it.
It may not be the most plausible explanation from the scientific standpoint, but it is the most believable to me of the ones I have seen so far. (Given how much scientific implausibility I overlook to watch the show, what is one more implausible thing?) It is better than the explanation that he compressed his clothes real small and put them in a pocket sewn into his cape. Although he could probably compact his clothing that much, when he shook them out afterwards to put them on, his shoes would be destroyed and the rest of his clothing would be extremely wrinkled. (Intellectually, I realize that non-wrinkled or destroyed clothing is less implausible than the use of hyperspace; but I guess that precisely because it *is* closer to something that might happen in RL, I have a harder time suspending my disbelief about it...I guess it comes down to what Ann had been saying about the difference between just being asked to believe for fun vs. "for real".)
