Pam wrote:

This is a group of people who prefer the "Lois & Clark" version of Superman precisely *because* of Lois's supreme importance in this particular sub-section of the Super-world. I'm not aware of any other version where Lois is treated as absolutely essential to the creation and function of Superman. We like that. That's one of the biggest reasons we're here.
Totally agree with your observation about our liking of for the treatment of Lois Lane in LNC. Very obviously it's one of the biggest reasons we're here. smile

Although I do think that Lois Lane has been developed as a character who is essential to the *functioning* of Clark Kent/Superman both in the comics and in the movies.

So please confine yourself to fanfic examples when trying to convict us all of hating women, okay?
I kinda enjoy Ann's tours through past culture, whether it's Greek legends or Victorian art. Comparing the themes there to the themes in our fanfic is interesting. But then I like to analyse things:) ( over- analyse, I know your thinking)

What we write in fanfic and what we enjoy reading don't come out of an intellectual void - our parameters were shaped long ago. Heck there are university courses (not serious ones of course laugh ) that draw parallels between comic book themes and heroes and classic myths and legends.

I've never had the impressiion that Ann is trying to 'convict us all of hating women" at all. Holy Hyperbole, Pam! laugh But seriously, though, I do have the impression that Ann is providing us with some of the cultural themes that underlie our culture. And our fanfic, however lowly it is, is part of the larger culture.

changing gears:

Martha and Jonathan killed off in our fics - I wonder if the reason for Jonathan being the one to be 'disappeared' is that of the two, he's the one more likely statistically. He's probably a couple of years older than Martha, he's male, and he's overweight. don't forget that both are likely about 60 when first we meet them and in most of the few fics in which either or both are 'dead' it's next gen fic and they died natural deaths (which doesn't make it any less sad but...)
