Clearly there's not unanamity. Also, I'm not sure that posts are the only measure to use. Labrat, you and I will always disagree on how many mbs members see gender as one of the issues involved in L & C deathfic.

Sorry about the spoiler - but it's not my fault. smile Well, maybe it is - my sloppy writing. I was referring to Simon's wife who is dead as part of the premise of the show - to set his character so to speak. Same thing with Gibbs in NCIS. We know their hearts are pure because they have suffered. smile Although NCIS - I don't think this can be a spoiler given it happened a few seasons back - did kill Kate.

Lois is easier to kill.
From a technical point of view, yes.

But not from an emotional point of view - if the writer cares about the character she's no easier to kill than Clark is. smile
