1. What shall we call you?

Either Poussin or Magaly, which is my real name. Or any other nickame is fine by me. My father calls me Fifi, my sister and my mother call me "Choupette". I don't really care how people call me, as long as I know they're talking to me. LOL

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?

I started writing L&C Fanfic 4 or 5 years ago, but I haven't posted the firsts ones. I wrote them and then deleted them without showing them to anybody. The first I posted was "A Special Relationship". I think it was 3 years ago, but I'm not sure.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?

Yes. Before writing L&C fanfics, I was writing stories for other shows, but like the firsts L&C ones, I never posted them anywhere. I deleted them as soon as they were finished.

4. Current stories you're working on?

Oh my god. I'm currently working on a LOT of stories. The titles are :
- "Las Vegas Wedding" : a funny story started 4 years ago, but I'm never happy with the scenes I write so it's not near finished. I'm not even sure I will be able to finish it some day. It is set during Pheromone, my lovely
- "Fallen Hero" : one of my current priorities. It is a rewrite of The People against Lois Lane and Dead Lois Walking, but is is set during Madam Ex
- "Crossed Destinies" : a very angsty one, during the New Krypton Arc, but with the added problem of Tempus.
- "Switch" : a rewrite of the end of season 1 and the beginning of season 2 but with a living, free and vengeful Lex Luthor. He took over Superman's body thanks to Asabi, and Clark is emprisoned into Lex' body and is arrested by the police for Lex' crimes.
- "Truth and Justice" : a funny rewrite of Whine Whine Whine, with Mxyptlk.

I also have at least two other ideas of fanfic but I haven't started them yet, so I can't say I'm working on them. But as I am a very slow writer, anyway, it will take me years to finish all that and start posting them. I never start the posting before it is finished.

5. Your first fic?

Oh **** ! That question is even worse than the previous one. I just found back that story last month while I was tidying old things. I had completely forgotten about it, so I reread it and I threw it away. It was just awful! It was titled "Amour ondamné" = "Doomed love". I wrote it when I was 13, and there is no way I'm saying more about it. I'm so glad I never let anyone read it. I'm ashamed of it.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

That's a question I like. wink

I'm proudest of "Somewhere...". I was trying very hard to work and finish "Las Vegas Wedding" but I couldn't concentrate because there was that idea in my mind all the time. I kept telling my brain "I'll write it later", but my muse just didn't want to wait, and I just had to write it right away. I'm usually a very slow writer but that story just asked to be written, so it took me only a week. I usually write in english and then translate it in french, my language, but I needed so bad to write it, and write it fast that I did the other way around. I wrote it first in french, and then I translated it in english. The translation took me almost a year and half! But I love that story. I'm really proud of it.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

Without any hesitation, "Las Vegas Wedding". Started 4 years ago, it is only halfway done. And I have to thanks Kaethel and Anna B the Greek to have helped me write that first half. Kaethel helped me brainstorming 4 years ago, and Anna helped me by beta reading what I had already done, and giving me wonderful comments and ideas to go on. But now, I'm stuck again. I just hope it won't take me 4 more years to finish it.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

I try to think every story through thoroughly before started the writing. I never start writing a story if I don't already know how it will end, and how I will get there. I try to put a lot of attention into the little details.

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

Without any hesitation, the language. I have trouble with the english. I am self teached, so grammar and tenses are a BIG problem when I write.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?

My two preferred genres to write are funny stories, and angsty ones.

11. Genre(s) you won't write?

Death fic. I will never write that. I want an happy ending to ALL my stories. In "Crossed Destinies", one of my in progress fanfic, Lois die, right at the beginning, but I swear everything is fine before the end, and she lives.

12. What makes a fic good for you?

When I can see the characters doing the things.
When I'm laughing out loud in front of my computer, and the people around think I'm crazy.
When I'm crying while reading.

13. What ruins a fic for you?

When a story doesn't finish well, I just go mad.
I don't like the crossovers with other shows, but it is okay if is is other DC characters, as long as I recognize Lois and Clark.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?

No one. I would never want to trade places with any writer. If I took the place of one of my favourite writer (as Wendy Richards, or Sue S, or Shayne, or StopQuitDont, or Jenni Debbage, or any other), she couldn't not write the wonderful stories I love so much anymore. And I don't want to take the place of the writers I'm not fan about. I'm me, and it's fine by me.

15. The best fic you've read recently?

I'm ashamed to say that I haven't had a lot of time to read recently, so I just reread old stories that I had printed a long time ago, while in the bus to work.

But last month, I've read Coming of Age, by StopQuitDont, and I really loved that story. Some scenes make me cry so hard that I got a headache. And as I said, I love when stories makes me cry. It's a wonderful story.