1. What shall we call you? Elisabeth, of course. (Which is a Biblical name, but only if you use the King James Version. If you use one of the newer translations, you'll find one of those new-fangled spellings.)

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic? That's a tough question. I've written snippets here and there for almost ten years, but I've only FINISHED anything (meaning it is edited enough that I'll submit it to the archive) for the last year.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows? I did one story for Sue Thomas F B Eye, but other than that I've been pretty faithful to L&C.

4. Current stories you're working on? I'm doing a severe edit to a long episode adaptation of House of Luthor. I'll probably start posting it in February or March. I've also started an un-named work for the Crossover ficathon which crosses Inspector Gadget & Curious George with L&C.

5. Your first fic? The first fic I finished for the archive was Christmas at Luthor Manor. I'm not sure what the first thing I've ever posted to the boards was, since I never kept track of the snippets.

6. Piece of work you're proudest of? Probably my current work, the one coming in the next month or so.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing? Walking Past the Sunset or Black Leather over Kansas. Both want to be written, but I'm not sure where to go from here.

8. Your greatest strengths as an author? Humor

9. Your biggest weaknesses? Finishing--that's why I've posted so little. However, you can be assured that anything I post will get finished.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write? I've dabbled in a lot.

11. Genre(s) you won't write? N-fic

12. What makes a fic good for you? Touching the emotion--either WAFF or humor

13. What ruins a fic for you? I enjoyed L&C because it was a family show. When a fic moves into the realm of PG-13 and beyond, it doesn't seem to honor the original audience of the show. Yup, that's what ruins it for me.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with? Nan

15. The best fic you've read recently? I'm enjoying getting ready for the Kerths with a lot of short stuff.