The only sad thing I know of about threads like this is that no one follows up on anyone else's answers--they just read them all, then post their own answers to the questions, possibly never to look at the thread again. Or at least, that's what I've seen happen (and I admit I'm guilty of it too).

1. What shall we call you?

Darcy, DSDragon, DS, D, "hey, you," "uhm, hi!" or any combination of the above (you might even get away with calling me "mud"). I've been thinking about adding "D. Ann" to the list (Ann is my middle name), but I think there are enough in the list already, don't you?

2. How long have you been writing L&C fanfic?

Since February 2006, I think. I'm too lazy to check the archive right now for the date I submitted my first story.

. . . Had to check anyway, to make sure I got the title of my first L&C fic right for question #5 (how sad is it that I can't remember a title I made up?). It was indeed February 2006.

3. Have you ever written fic for other shows?

Yup, Star Trek (although, that was more movie-based than show-based), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel: The Series.

I also have notes for fic(s) in the Phil of the Future fandom which may or may not turn into an actual story or stories, and I have written some Harry Potter fanfiction as well.

Eventually, I may write some M*A*S*H fanfic, but have not really gotten around to coming up with any plot ideas for that yet.

4. Current stories you're working on?

"The Pitfalls and Pleasantries of Kryptonian Multiplication," and if having notes for a currently-not-at-all-written story counts, then I have two others I'm "working on" as well.

One is a response to framework4's "Luthor Gives Clark the Edge" challenge from way back--I actually decided to respond to that challenge before I started PPKM, but haven't gotten around to actually writing it yet.

The other will (hopefully) turn out to be a longer one-shot based on a comment which Zoar3 made in a different thread somewhere else on the boards. And that's all I'm going to say about that one.

5. Your first fic?

Ever? "Eternity: It's a Long Story," for Star Trek. For L&C? "The Eyes Unfettered."

6. Piece of work you're proudest of?

PPKM, if I ever finish it. It'll be the longest story I've ever written (either original, or for any fandom) by myself.

7. Piece of work you had the hardest time writing/finishing?

There's a Harry Potter fanfic based on another author's AU which I abandoned after the prologue and first chapter. I just couldn't make myself crack down and write it, no matter how interested I was in telling the story itself (which I really was).

8. Your greatest strengths as an author?

I've been told I write at graduate level, even though I'm one of those people who only takes a class or two now and then at the local community college. So, I guess I'd say grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. As well as a (relatively new--compared to the length of time I've been writing) knowledge of the "logical order" in which ideas should flow.

Of course, that is all predicated on having a group of ideas to put together in the first place. :p

9. Your biggest weaknesses?

Middles. And to a lesser extent, ends. I do great with the beginnings of longer stories, and if I think about it, I can usually articulate--generally--where I want a story to end up. It's the getting from point A to point B that annoys me and makes me wish that the story would write itself.

10. Preferred genre(s) to write?

Anything that I have an idea for, which I haven't seen reiterated very often in fics I've read. I usually end up writing cutesy vignettes though, and it kind of annoys me that I have trouble with conflict, but I also like the cutesy vignettes right after I've finished them--after all, even a cutesy vignette is a finished story, and finishing a story is an accomplishment I'll applaud anyone for.

11. Genre(s) you won't write?

Even though I enjoy reading it, I won't write nfic. I have various reasons, only the last of which is that I'm a 24-year-old virgin. I couldn't begin to articulate the other, larger reasons, because they're not all clear in my head.

12. What makes a fic good for you?

Proper grammar, knowing how to spell the characters' names and the names of canonical settings correctly, good characterization, and good overall writing style are important. But the one thing that absolutely makes a fic awesome for me is if the author can make me feel the characters' emotions. If I'm sitting at my desk at work, trying to hide the fact that i'm bawling my eyes out, or bustin' a gut trying to stifle a chuckle, then that is one awesome fic I'm reading.

13. What ruins a fic for you?

Trite writing like that thread where we showed off our beta style, most especially. To a lesser extent (depending on severity), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad punctuation, etc. can also be deal-breakers, but usually only if there are so many that I'm constantly editing in my head as I read.

14. Author you wish you could trade places with?

Do I have to choose just one? 'Cause I have to say, I wouldn't be able to choose between my top five:

  • CC Aiken
  • Kaethel
  • Erin Klinger
  • LabRat
  • Sue S.

15. The best fic you've read recently?

I just finished "What it Means to Love You" by Erin Klinger earlier this evening. Before that, I can't remember what I read, much less if it was good or not. I'm not really able to put titles and author names to fic plots unless 1) the fic was extremely memorable, 2) I've read the fic more than once, or 3) both.

"You take turns, advise and protect one another, even heal or be healed when the going gets too tough. I know! That's not a game--that's friendship!" ~Shelly Mezzanoble, Confessions of a Part-Time Sorceress: A Girl's Guide to the Dungeons & Dragons Game

Darcy\'s Place