Originally posted by dedecasale:
I simply love babyfics, ok, I love well written babyfics!
.. AnnieM's Anybody's
“Little girl lost”, and it's sequell "Innocence lost" have got to be three of my favourite fics ever...
definitely on the most read list (about 50x each)

I guess I love any well written story,
but because I fell in love with L&C as a couple (and not their kids) I love L&C + kids but "don't love" (As opposed to hate) next-gen fics where the kids are the adults facing adult dilemmas....

whereas the family with kids may or maynot be seen as extensions of the characters portrayed in the original show... next gens (such as Home et.) for me fail to carry with them
the continuity that I am looking for in fan-fic...

perhaps this has a lot to do with my general philosophical objection to the notion of reincarnation and the episode SM (presumably due to my Christian upbringing, with the emphasis on the individual's uniqueness in this world... each person being a miracle in their own right)...

In Essence I would state that next gen adults in fics (such as Home) to me are a bit more closely affiliated to ORIGINAL FICTION, whereas baby fics could be more easily linked to the genre of fanfiction...

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