I think one of the points the post brought up that I agree with (and never thought about) is the babies as OCs. It's difficult for me to like a baby character if it has nothing going for it than the fact that its Lois and Clark's. That's not enough for me. I need to be sold on it like any other OC. I think that's why, for example, Shayne's Family Hour worked so well for me. I became invested in Lisa, wanted to know more about her, etc.

But more than that, I think I scurry away from babyfic because of the disturbing idea mentioned in the post on babies as "completion" of a couple's perfect love and "proof" and validation of a couple and that they were meant to be." I've seen this one too many times in LnC fic and it makes me really uncomfortable every time.

There's also the phenomenon of the baby tack-on, which is kind of like a nscene tack-on where its almost as if they can't be happy unless a baby was inserted into the story. These just don't work for me so well either.


One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan