Don't forget the golden oldies. I loved TUFS. It was babyfic at its best.

I don't argue with you that a woman can't go running, climbing, limboing and wrestling if her or her loved one's lives depend on it; I just have found a lot of fics that seem to ignore that there are consequences for their actions.

My own personal story was with DD#3. She was two days old when our plans fell through for Independance Day. I had the choice of canceling viewing the fireworks (which would have been hard on the older two), staying at home alone with a 2-day-old or going along. I eventually went along. We thought we had it all worked out. We parked where I wouldn't have to walk very far but we could still see things. The only detail we overlooked was that we were there for hours and it was a quarter mile hike to the bathrooms and the 3-year-old and I both had to go. I made it just fine on the way there, but then I realized it was a quarter mile hike back up the hill to get back to the family. I did it, but it took a l-o-n-g time and I paid for it dearly. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do, but looking back it was immensely stupid.
