Three weeks after DS was born, I chased a bus a block down the street because they didn't give me my daughter like they were supposed to [2nd day of school, buses had been changed around and this driver hadn't picked her up that morning or dropped her off the day before, ended up she was actually on her old bus - hadn't gotten switched and was dropped off 5m later]. I barely managed to limp down the street home.

I paid for it for weeks, if not months afterwards. And this was a relatively easy baby #4. CAN it happen? Yum, sure. Is it realistic for most women? Uh, no.

That said, if someone came after said baby, like someone surely could in this particular universe, you better believe I'd fight like that hot place wink for him or her and consequences/recovery time be dam**d.

I like some babyfic - I've written fic with kids, rarely as the main characters - not ever I don't think, but just as a part of life.

I like Next Gen fics if done well. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Home and would LOVE to see more stories about the kids/grandkids [the ones we've come to care about through the SoulMates fics of Clark and Lori] - not necessarily random person we've seen mentioned in passing unless it somehow gives us insight into C/L too [wasn't there one with Clark's great great niece or something who had the hots for him and wanted Lori out of the way? And the fic was mostly about her, but we learned about C/L along the way iirc.]. I'd love to read about Ryan, for instance.

I also enjoy Honesty - look forward to every post. Jon/Jor isn't Clark, though he has some of the same characteristics and Kaylie isn't Lois though she has some of the same characteristics as well.

I don't enjoy all babyfic or all Next Gen, but if it's well done... AnnieM's Anybody's Baby was great in the 'have to care for a baby for a time' thing.

I think it may be 'more' acceptable in LC than in some others [Bones was mentioned in the comments there] because they were actively trying for a baby when the show ended and we were left with a very unsatisfying end [though fanfic authors have come up with some fabulous answers for the FH baby].