Personally, I love NextGen. wink (And Carol, there's a new post of Honesty up right now!)

But I hate it when LnC's kids are used as a plot device. Sometimes it seems that author's just added a kid in to increase the drama. Especially the overly cutesy kid who's so perfect and nice and brings great emotional healing for Clark (usually after he's returned from NK, or some other terrible ordeal)

I love kids when they have a uniques character that adds to the story, but other than that, they just tend to annoy me. Babyfic tends to fall into that catergory because I can never get a real handle on the character of a 3 month old. Usually, they just end up being a really cute baby that everyone fawns over.

But I do love kids and babies in real life, honest! I just feel that sometimes they don't add anything to the story.