Originally posted by LabRat:
[QUOTE]However, telling the author that their character is 'scum', simply because you don't like those plot choices, is perhaps a little less polite than we tend to encourage on this forum and Patrick was - rightly imo - taken to task for that.
And there we part company. That Clark is in my opinion scum. Period. That the author does not agree is their right and it is your right to disagree but by my values he is scum.

Tough. Someone wants to excuse him, justify his killing people, bloodlust or not, for his own selfish longing. Go for it. But I don't want to read a story where that behavior is ever justified.

Let's make it clearer. How would you feel about a story where Clark was an active pedophile and the author felt that he was still a good guy? And the author did not think it needed a wham warning?

Now do you see how I felt?

Anyways it is clear that the only reason there was no wham warning was that it just never occurred to Laura that it might bother someone.

And it is clear from the response that she is in the majority. So I'll just be more careful, wait for the first FDK thread and check it out PRIOR to reading a new story.
