Originally posted by shimauma:
True, but as a person that's been approached by moderators a whole LOT, privately, via PM or email, I can tell you I'd be more insulted by some reader that decided to lambaste me in front of every one with the use of screaming exclamation points. Just an example (YOU SHOULD POST A WARNING IF YOU'RE GONNA MAKE CLARK A SCUMMY KILLER!!!!!!!!!!)
Ahh, I get it now. You read something different than what I posted.

Just for the record I wrote

Which is WHY there is a Wham warning thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And in the very same post noted
Use of this thread is by no means compulsory!
Use of the word
was later in explaining WHY I believed the story needed a Wham warning.

Originally posted by jojo_da_crow:
but I don't think anything in Laura story constituted a WHAM entry.
However I will keep you in mind and is I ever have an issue with any of YOUR stories I will NOT post it anywhere. I will simply remain silent. That way I won't impede the story.

It was in fact one of the reasons I did not make my replies to some of the points in that feedback thread.
