Originally posted by Framework4:
So if Clark and three other people were lost on an uncharted island with no source of food, and Clark was without his powers and he killed and ate the others as a way to survive but he felt bad about it afterwards, he could still be a good guy?
To answer the original question...

No, he could not be a good guy, IF he killed the others to eat them. If he waited until they died naturally and then ate them, then yes, he could still be a good guy.

As for the rest of this thread.

There is no harm in Patrick asking for a warning. Demanding yes, asking, no.

As for 'foisting', I will not speak on Elisabeth's behalf, as that way leads to things I don't want to think about. However, I can speak on my feelings about authors that don't give clear warning.

(fair warning, my '!' are for emphasis alone.)

As several authors know, I really hate it when LnC have pre-marital sex. I have always hated it. To me, that cheapens Superman and everything he stands for. Or, at least, stood for up to and including our beloved show.

I feel 'conned' when I am reading a really good story, and in the last screen of the last part, they sleep together. Pardon me, but I mentally go "AAARRGGHH!" when that happens and the story is totally ruined for me.

Case in point. ShayneT's story 'Duet' is a perfect example and I know is one of the stories my beloved is thinking about. We loved that story. We were rooting for the characters. And then in the last page, it was ruined, for us. That is what I would call Bait and Switch. We read and read and read, each chapter better than the last and then, blech!

Don't get me wrong, I love Shayne's writing. He is one of the best on this board and I am sooo glad he is writing again. But, in all honesty, Elisabeth and I felt gut punched.

I realize that by revealing that little fact would 'ruin' it for other readers that like that kind of thing. However, it was one of the things that started me reading less and less of stories here. I just didn't want to take the chance of being disappointed again.

Infact, I just PMed Laura about F&I with my soon to be normal question I will start asking the authors from now on. If I can't have a warning, I will just have to be cautious and ask before reading.


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!