You act as if this is all a big gray area, but both readers and authors alike know when they're treading on shaky ground: deathfics, on-screen sex, rape, and other emotional issue. Vampire stories are, in essence, deathfics. So please don't act like it's a wishy-washy matter of opinion whether they're offensive or not. Let the reader make a fully-informed choice.
Maybe you haven't read the threads that have discussed deathfics, Elisabeth. It's been debated more than once, but it's been decided that warnings are not necessarily for anything, including deathfics. It's entirely up to the author to choose whether or not to post a warning. Unless a majority of board members rise up in rebellion against this policy, I think it will stand.

As I said in my previous post, my impression was that Patrick was demanding a warning and complaining that one had not been given. That is more than merely asking, but perhaps I interpreted it differently than others did. In any case, it's the author's choice.


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