But, Patrick, I think we need people like you who remind us that Superman is supposed to be about truth and justice and also about compassion, because that is what attracted me so much about him when I embraced him so fiercely as a twelve-year-old. So thanks.
And we also need authors who are willing to show us something just a little different now and then, who stretch the envelope and show us all the possible variations there are in our LNC universe and that there is never just ONE way of viewing these characters. Or, as they say over in the Star Trek universe - infinite diversity in infinite combinations. wink

Bless them all. They've certainly made reading fanfic interesting and fun over the years.

Oh, and as for the official viewpoint on Patrick's complaints in Laura's feedback thread: As Patrick himself pointed out, using the WHAM warning thread - or even posting a WHAM at all - is NOT compulsory on this forum, but purely a matter of personal choice on the part of the author.

I understand that in this instance the lack of a warning was simply down to an entirely legitimate difference of opinion as to whether the story contained any WHAM to warn about. laugh But it could just as easily have been because the author refuses to use warnings as a matter of principle. And that would be entirely up to them.

As Laura broke no forum rules, no mod or admin would need to post requesting her to amend her story post. Any forum member can make such a request themselves to an author, of course - politely, please - but if the author chooses not to comply that is, again, their choice.

You know, I honestly don't sit up at night and think up ways to spark controversy on these boards. *sigh* I guess that must be a rare talent of mine
What - one rare talent wasn't enough for you? You have to have two? goofy

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers