So I'm a fan of discussion, but what I'm reading here sounds an awful lot like a morality argument. That sort of thing makes me, someone who keeps fiction and reality on two different planes, very uncomfortable.

That said, I don't think killing is a black and white issue, especially in a scenario involving vampires, where as Jojo said, it's about being a victim of circumstance. Honestly, if you can't see the gray there, no one is going to show it to you. It all comes down to what you believe.

And seriously, I respect that.

However the righteous tone of your postings makes it sound, at least to me, rather off putting. I'm sure there are nicer, friendlier ways of beginning discussion.

alcyone, who can come up with three people to off like *snaps fingers* THAT...(also kidding!)

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan