I understand what Helene and Labrat are getting at, but with respect, they both have been among the most frequently cited writers and so perhaps, from that perspetcive, it may be more difficult to understand how really discouraging it can be for some writers who are overlooked.
No, not really. laugh Recently, I've been co-ordinating new Writers' Showcase Interviews for Annesplace. I was slightly...don't really know what the word might be...amused maybe...to note in passing that, back in the day, in the section for recommending fanfic by other author my own stories got mentioned quite regularly. Whereas they haven't been mentioned once in the interviews I've gathered in so far! Hey, finally I'm a has-been! goofy So, to be honest, Carol, I can't say it really bothers me. But I can say that I've had the experience. <g>

That's not to say that I don't understand the perspective of someone who it does bother. But then I don't think I said anything in my previous post to indicate that I didn't. There's a difference between pointing out to someone that they've broken no forum rules and that trying to avoid another board member's hurt feelings is a courtesy and saying, "You're wrong to feel bad."

And, I've spent a lot of time in the past worrying about those who are discouraged by not getting a Kerth nomination. We're very much the victims of our success there, I fear. Each year some terrific stories get left in the dust and don't make the list just through sheer pressure of numbers. I know that each year I have more than one pang of regret for those which didn't, but which are wonderful stories that in most any other fandom would not only make the noms list, but actually win the awards. So, yes, I do have a great deal of empathy with that point of view. I've often tried to think of a solution to the problem, but so far haven't come up with anything. frown But do I think that means we should abandon the Kerths and stop rewarding our top talent? No, not at all.

There's also, imo, a great difference between praising your favourite stories and recommending them to readers who may have missed them and lobbying for them to receive a Kerth. And, to be honest, I can't say I've seen much of the latter on this thread so far.

I guess it's a glass half empty/full situation. If someone says, "Hey, Story X was great! It's on my personal Kerth list", then it tends to be viewed in one of two ways. Some people will see it as a/ Praising a story you enjoyed, much in the manner you do in fdk threads and some people will see it as b/ lobbying. Now, to me, lobbying would be "Story X is brilliant! You must add it to your Kerth list or you're a moron!". But I guess it all comes down to personal perspective. Like most things in the world. smile Is praising one particular story just praising a story? Or is it slighting all the other authors you didn't mention? For me it's the former. But I realise others have the opposite opinion.

And, I do have to say, Carol, that I think you do your own stories a great disservice here. I've seen few recommendations threads or fanfic quote threads where your stories aren't mentioned. Check out the current ones and I think you'll find you're well represented. I know that I remember your old stories very fondly and have often chosen them in those threads myself, in the past.

Which is another point. Aren't fanfic quote threads recommendation threads in all but name? You began one yourself, Carol. A large majority of members obviously find them fun. They've always been popular in the past and obviously still are. Yet, I'm sure some authors haven't been mentioned (yet! I think the current one looks set to run forever! <G>) and could have hurt feelings as a result. So, should we think about avoiding them, too? I'd really hope not, personally, because I find them enormously fun. And they've often led me to great stories.

I guess the point I'm making here is that we could go on indefinitely, pruning out all of the fun on the forum. Rec threads, fanfic quote threads, Kerths...just because we're afraid and anxious to avoid slighting anyone. I don't think that's either logical, possible or even desirable. It would make for a very boring fandom imo. Where do we draw the line? Where does it end? The fact is that this forum is all about fanfic. Writing it, posting it, discussing it. I don't much see how it could continue if you begin to censor or discourage the latter. It's inevitable that in a forum which focuses on fanfic, you're going to get people talking about it. And that includes recs and praise, here and there.

Okay, I'm confused. There are two different kinds of Kerths? There are regular Kerths and Alt-Kerths? Somebody needs to explain this to me.
Actually, there are three Kerths. <G> Just to confuse you further.

The Kerths deal with fanfic up to the PG13 rating.

The nKerths deal with nfic only.

The Alt Kerths deal with all the other talented things people do which aren't fanfic. Music vides, websites, artwork...and so on.

And someone mentioned older stories. I thought only the stories that had come out in a certain period of time were eligible. Am I wrong?
If that was the reference I made to older stories, I was referring to them purely in the sense of someone starting a thread recommending their favourite ones to other readers. Not in the sense of connection with the Kerths.

LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers