I'm very sorry, about using your name, Kae. I didn't realise you didn't want it used. blush

I'm not sure my difficulty with Lois deathfic is exactly the same thing as excluding some writers from a lists of favourites. Deathfic is a genre, and so my dislike of it is independent of the writer. I could be crazy about one fic you'd written, but just not have read a deathfic you'd written because it's , well, a deathfic. You'd make my favoutites list, but not with the deathfic. smile

But I guess we'll have to agree to disagree about whether some writers find it a downer to read a thread with several "favourites" lists, none of which they're on, or whether it even matters if they care.

Favourite catregory - well what Yvonne said:) But also a category that got dropped - Best Villain - lots of fun with that one. laugh
