who wonders how many of the multitude of folcs have more than the passing contact with the comics
Cue for a poll? laugh

My only contact with the comics is from a couple of years ago, when I bought one out of curiosity - and also in the hope that here would be another way in which I could enjoy stories about Lois, Clark and Superman. Well, I didn't enjoy it at all. I found the drawings, particularly of people, unattractive and crude - *hated* the drawings of Superman - and didn't get much out of the stories, either. I guess comics just aren't for me. Maybe I lack the imagination to make them work for me.

Moving on, it's struck me that some comments seem to be approaching things from upside down.

But when you take into consideration the content of most L&C fanfics, the series just makes a better backdrop to such stories.
But isn't it the other way around? Surely the fundamental starting point for the members of this board, which is a forum for fans of the TV series, is the TV series? It's not that writers here consider all the options and then pick the series as their backdrop because that fits their purpose best. Writers here start with the series and then write from that point onwards. Don't they?

As some of you may know, I don't think that the TV show should be the "gospel" as to what the story of Lois and Clark is all about.
I agree, and I imagine most people here would, too. But, again, we're a forum based on the TV show, so here at least, the TV series *is* the gospel. We deviate from the gospel, of course laugh , but that's our starting point.

BTW, I'm not saying that we shouldn't welcome stories which use elements from other Superman incarnations. I'd like to think we're a reasonably broad church in that respect. It's just that some parts of the discussion seemed to be topsy-turvy to this particular pedant. blush


PS - forgot to say, Ann, that it's really interesting to get a fresh perspective on the series and where it sits in the overall Superman continuity. smile